Massive exodus from Digg to Reddit

What is digg ? it is a social news website, which means in a nutshell that people are submitting links and are voting for other people links, and after a while the best links appears on the front page.

What is the benefits of that kind of site ? basically, for people providing content (bloggers, journalists, artists, ... ) it means more visits to their website and for followers when they want to find what's hot or to get the mood of the day they just have to check the top links. Google calls this Zeitgeist "the spirit of the times".

Massive Exodus ? Lately Digg introduced a new version (v4) and unfortunately for them this release is probably not ... perfect! many criticisms are sent, and people are running away by joining similar social news website, among them
Which is funny and good because it means that diggers (digg users) are putting an end to the long hatred between the 2 websites. In fact, some redditors (reddit users) called it plainly a war - which was greatly illustrated in these 3 pages comics by ncomment. Because Reddit always suspected digg to steal from them the top links  ... saying ironically that what was posted today on reddit would be posted the next day to Digg.

Conclusion : the (stupid) War is over ... Hurrah!

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