Want to expand your visibility on the net

I feel like it would be beneficial to open my blog to other people and allow them to have a place to post about their services or hobbies.

If you are an artist, freelance, cosplayer, linux developer, aspirant designer, comics writer, reiki master, spiritual healer, clairvoyant etc ... and be interested to post an interview on my blog. Here are the questions template I would use - send the completed interview to my email address

These would be the questions (feel free to modify them, as you like - this is just given as a generic template)

  1. Can you give a short bio ?
  2. What got you into"your field of expertise" ?
  3. What are the required qualities of a person in "your field of expertise" ?
  4. What are your visions of "your field of expertise" for the next years ?
  5. What do you wish "your field of expertise" would be in the future ?
Please then add any of your links you'd like to share

Example of an interview with Katybear - found here.

P.S : As the editor I keep the right to decline posting or review part of the interview - or to discontinue this service anytime.

The service is free but donation are welcome.

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